Ingredients :
1 1/2 pound of tapioca/cassava (ubi kayu) - Peel and cut into chunks
2 pandan/screwpine leaves
some salt
Topping :
1 1/2 cup of fresh grated coconuts
1/4 cup of palm sugar or brown sugar (more if you want it sweeter)
1/4 of water
1 tbsp of cornstarch + 1 tbsp of water.
2) Mashed it while it hot and add in 1 tsp of salt. Then flatten it on a baking dish. Set aside to cool.
3) For the topping bring the water and palm sugar to boil. Add in coconut and cornstarch and cook until dry. Set aside to cool.
4) Cut the tapioca into desire shape and top it with some coconut and serve.