I was invited by Rita of Mochachocolata to take part in her first virtual party to celebrate her 88th post at her blog. She wanted us to prepare a dish that resembles a Chinese take out. I actually had to crack my head to think of what to cook so I went through my kitchen drawers to see if I have a take-out menu there. Lucky I found one and look through it and decided to cook this dish.
Ingredients :
3 pcs of chicken breast - pound thinly
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tbsp of cooking wine
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 egg white
5 tbsp of cornstarch
Sauce (combined)
Juice of 2 lemons
3/4 cup of chicken broth
1 tsp of corn starch
3 tbsp of honey or sugar (more if you like it sweeter)
Salt and pepper to taste
1 clove of garlic - chopped
some lemon slices
2. In small bowl, beat eggs and mix in cornstarch to form smooth batter (if it is too day add a bit of water). In wok or large skillet, heat up some oil.
3. Coat chicken with batter; fry until brown. Drain the oil on paper towel. Remove oil and leave about 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok.
4. Add in garlic and stir fry until lightly brown. Add in the sauce and bring to boil. Add in the lemon slices. Cook until sauce thicken. Check seasonings and see if the sweetness is to your likings. Turn off the heat.
5. Slice chicken and pour the lemon sauce over chicken. Serve immediately.

Note : You can add in more honey or sugar if you want a sweeter sauce.
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