I'm Jenna, the writer/creator behind Eat Drink Pretty. I live in Minnesota with my husband Erik and cat Kody. By day, I work in advertising but dedicate a lot of time in the evenings and weekends to this blog.
Eat Drink Pretty is a lifestyle blog focused on cooking, baking and entertaining/party planning. This site touches on all things pretty, great recipes, baking successes and distasters, cocktails, bridal/baby showers, weddings, all types of parties and many things in between.
Why I love to cook/bake for others
My mother is a great cook and growing up I remember sitting around the dinner table as a family almost each and every night. It was one of the most important times of the day for us. Making a great meal and sharing it with my friends and family is really an expression of love.
A love for all types of food
My father is filipino and my mother is norwegion. She dove right into the art of making filipino food and my favorite meal growing up was pork meatballs with rice noodles. My sister's favorite meal was pork chops in adobo. She would sit with a spoon and sip the vinegar marinade. Rice was served at every meal, including breakfast. At a young age we were exposed to interesting food; pancit, whole fish, thin egg rolls, etc. I am sure this is why I am open to all different types of cuisine and have a love of food in general.
My love of party planning came around the time of high school. I had (still have!) a group of very close friends from then and I was always the go-to person for organizing our get togethers. My passion for parties and events really came out during my wedding planning. Ask my husband how happy he is that we are far past that! At the end of the day, however, I've realized that what matters most is the time you spend with your friends/family. Parties, events, dinner...those things bring people together. A successful party is simply one that everyone has a great time at. Inserting some gorgeous details along the way never hurt, either!
Why a blog?
Well, I was an English major in college, surprised? I'm sure if you have spent any time with this blog at all you will find that it is filled with spelling and grammar errors. What can I say? College was almost 10 years ago and you lose a lot when your only practice is via email and power point presentations. Blog-writing for me is a lot like free-writing or journal writing, which I used to be obsessed with as a teenager and into my early twenties. It feels good to write again so thank you so much for indulging me!
Please enjoy Eat Drink Pretty and don't hesitate to email me with any questions, comments, feedback to eatdrinkpretty@gmail.com. You can also follow Eat Drink Pretty on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook.
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