I am already looking forward to the weekend because my honey and I are heading to WI to spend some quality time at a cabin. We're going to spend the weekend cooking huge breakfasts, grilling lunch and having a picnic or two. Despite the fact that neither of us are big fans of the outdoors we are going to attempt some hiking. We'll see how it goes!
Since the picnic bridal shower I cohosted I have had picnics on my mind. So I can't wait to have a picnic on Saturday evening at the cabin.
I have been on somewhat of a vegetarian kick lately so this picnic menu is meat-free and full of vegetables (all of which I will buy at the farmers' market)
Picnic menu (click on the links for recipes)
Tomato sandwich
Potato salad
Lavender lemonade
Golden gazpacho
Vegetable salsa
I'll wrap the tomato sandwiches in parchment paper secured with twine and the rest of the food can be put in mason jars. I promise to take pictures! It's only Tuesday and I already can't wait for the weekend to be chilling on a blanket with my honey.
Have you been on any picnics this summer?

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