When I'm not blogging, cooking or throwing parties I can be found downtown Minneapolis working at an ad agency. Yup, that's my day job. I consider myself pretty darn lucky to have a job over the past 5 and a half years that I actually like, a lot. Some days I'd even say I love it. It's my ad agency gig that allows me to dine at fabulous places like 20.21 in the Walker Art Museum. I work in Media which means I get to hang out with great Media brands/content providers like the Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Fortune Magazine, BBC network, Architectural Digest, Better Homes and Gardens, social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and the list goes on and on.
These partners take me and my team at work out to dinner on a fairly regular basis. Did I mention above how much I like my job (oh yeah...I did). Fortune magazine took my team and I to 20.21 the other week and we ordered the tasting menu. Oh my god it was the most amazing array of courses, 10 courses to be exact. By the end of dinner I was experiencing physical pain from eating too much.
I won't say much more because the photos speak for themselves. If you can swing the steep prices at 20.21, go immediately.

My bellini - champagne with passion-fruit puree. I could have drank 99 of these, they were so good, but I practiced some self control (with the drinks, not the food) and only had one.

Possibly my favorite part of the entire meal, the tuna sashimi cup. Everyone should experience this once.

Chicken cashew salad. My boss, Kathy's favorite.

Shrimp tempura.

Chicken in a lettuce cup.

The dinner entrees piled on my plate. I can't even begin to remember everything here.

A cookie buffet for dessert. Those are homemade marshmallows on the left.

Some sort of chocolate dessert. I had a bite but at this point in the dinner I was beginning to hurt. The best part of the dessert is the chocolate spoon with the cherry, to replicate the sculpture in the garden in from of the museum.
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