If you spend any time on cupcake/dessert/food blogs you will have likely come across cakeball pops. Bakerella has some really awesome posts and tutorials on how to make them. Problem is, they aren't as easy as they look. Sure you can use a cake mix and store bought frosting to save time but you can't skip the part in the process where you hand roll 50 little balls of cake/frosting.
I attempted to make these a couple weeks ago and it was a massive fail (wrong consistency of candy melts, too much frosting added to the cake, overall amatuer cakeball dipper, etc). The gorgeous cakeball pops pictured above were made by my brother (he manages a really cool food-related website called Food Service Rewards, check it out!), who happens to be a perfectionist and a very good cook and baker. He made these for the dessert table photo shoot that took place on Saturday.
How did the dessert table shoot go, you ask? Despite the rain, freezing temps, sleet and some slight chaos, it actually went quite well. Sewell Photography snapped photo after photo (for almost 2 hours!), the flowers by Just Bloomed were more beautiful than I could have imagined, the placecards, drinks straws and cupcake toppers by Lovely Scribbles were perfection, the 3-tier cake from Sweets Bakeshop was so adorable, the edible frosting decals by Hello Frosting were awesome and the linens provided by Apres were the perfect color gray. I can't wait to post the photos (probably in a couple weeks).
Check out Bakerella's posts on cakeball pops. One tip my brother gave me is to add a tablespoon of crisco to the candy melts to give it the right consistency for dipping. Also, if you are using store-bought frosting, don't add the entire can, it's too much. Add a little more from half and add more as needed.
I hope you have a good Monday!

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