Summer is just around the corner and we are having over 90’s degree temperature. Man, it is warm. I just hide inside the house most of the time and if I need to go out to run errand I will go out really early and be back home by noon. Even though I grew up in a tropical country but I still can’t stand the heat. I will stay indoor in an A/C room most of the time. In the heat like this it is nice to have something cooling like grass jelly. In Malaysia we usually eat this type of grass jelly with syrup or mix it with soy bean milk. I made this little cute dessert with both the grass jelly and soy bean milk.
Ingredients:15 grm of agar agar powder
1000 ml unsweetened soy bean milk
¾ cup sugar ( more if you like it sweeter )
1 can/500 grm grass jelly (cut into small cubes or roughly grated into long strand)
3 pandan leaves

Grass Jelly

1. In a saucepan, bring soy bean milk, agar agar powder and pandan leaves to a slow boil. Make sure you stir the mixture all the time until the agar agar dissolves.
2. Remove the pandan leaves and add in the sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Taste and see if you like the amount of sweetness.
3. Add in the grass jelly. Pour the mixture in a tray or jelly mould of your choice. Chilled until firm before serving.
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