2 pcs chicken breast
1/2 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
¼ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp of paprika
Marinara sauce or ranch dressing - optional
1 egg white
1 ½ cup whole wheat cornflakes
2 tbsp white sesame seeds
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 tbsp chopped parsley
2. In the food processor blend the cornflakes into fine crumbs. Remove and add in the chopped parsley, sesame seeds and parmesan cheese. Mix well and set it aside.
3. Pre-heat the oven to 375 degree F. Line a baking pan with some aluminum foil. Drizzle it with a bit of olive oil and set it aside.
4. Mix the egg white into the marinated chicken. Coat the chicken pieces with the cornflakes. Line the chicken on the baking pan, drizzle it with a bit of olive oil and bake it for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
5. Serve warm or at room temperature with some sauce of your choice.
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