I love Valentines Day. Not in a cheesy, "I have to receive chocolate and flowers" kind of way. I love it because I am married to a great guy and we spend the whole day together and the focus is usually around cooking a meal and staying in. Food warms the heart after all, doesn't it? This year we are going to change things up a bit and make a huge brunch (instead of dinner) complete with champagne cocktails.
I thought these Red Velvet sandwich cookies were very Valentines Day appropriate and my sister and I spent last Saturday morning baking them together. They look quite difficult, don't they? They are actually super easy, semi-homemade cookies that you can whip out in less than an hour.
The recipe can be found
here from the lovely Bakerella blog.

We wrapped them in clear bags with a cute pink ribbon and gave them to family members as V-day treat. Cute, easy and affordable!
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