I had the privilege of meeting up with fellow bloggers for the first time except Elin at Mid Valley a few days ago. It was a glorious few hours getting to know these lovely ladies. We had a great time chatting, sharing blogging, photography and baking tips and getting to know one another. The extraordinary thing was how easily we all click...........no pretense, no awkwardness; no fumbling for something to say.........it was relaxed and genuine and the time went by way too fast! Thank you Elin, Joanna, Reese, Quinn, Tracie, Swee San, Sonia, Pei Lin, Bee Bee and Petite Nyonya, for a lovely time, the flower and the gifts. It was such a pleasure to finally meet you all. We have to do this again the next time.
From L to R : Lovely Petite Nonya, Reese, Bee Bee and Sonia.

From L to R : Lovely Joanna (Elin's daughter) Tracie and Quinn

The 11 bloggers are :-
Quinn of
Quinn's Baking Dairy Elin of
Elinluv's Tibits Corner Joslynn of
Petite Nyonya Reese of
Reese Kitchen Bee Bee of
HoneyBeeSweet Swee San of
The Sweet Spot Tracie of
Bitter Sweet Flavours Pei Lin of
Dodol Mochi Sonia of
Nasi Lemak Lover Joanna
Elin's Daughter
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