Chicken Curry with Vegetables Recipes

There hasn’t been much cooking or baking action in my Malaysia kitchen lately. I was under the weather for the past 2 weeks and had to postpone my trip back to US for another week. So I start cooking meals for the family again this week. Part of me is eager to go back to US to see Carlos and Diana but part of me find it difficult to leave my family. It will be another 2 years before I come back here again. Enough of my rambling. Here is the curry chicken that I cooked recently. This is how we like our curry chicken with a lot of fresh vegetables in it. It’s simple and makes a great one dish meal with the balance of protein and vegetables.

Ingredients :

1/2 chicken - cut into bite size pieces
1 carrot - cut small
1 egg plant - cut small
2 potatoes - cut into 4
10 okra - remove both ends
3 cups of coconut milk
1 tsp of sugar
salt and pepper to taste

Curry paste

4 shallots or 1 small onions - cut small
3 cloves of garlic
1" of ginger
8 fresh red chilis
3 candlenuts (buah keras) - optional
2 tsp of tumeric powder
4 tbsp of meat curry powder

1. Put the curry paste ingredients in a food processor add enough water to blend into paste. Set aside.
2. Heat about 2 tbsp of oil in a wok and stir-fry the curry paste until fragrant. Add in the chicken and stir- fry until well combined and chicken changes color.
3. Add in coconut milk and bring it up to boil. Add in potatoes and carrot. Bring to a simmering over low heat and cook until chicken is cooked and tender and gravy is fairly thicken.
4. Lastly add in okra and eggplants. Bring to boil and cook for another minute. Check seasoning. Serve with warm rice.

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