Tempeh in Honey Lime Sauce Recipes

I found tempeh at one of our supermarket here a few years ago and I’ve been cooking with it ever since. Beside the regular organic soy bean tempeh, I am able to get the 3 grains, wild rice, flax seeds and garden veggie tempeh. I tried all of it but I still prefer the good old soy bean kind. Tempeh is basically fermented soy bean cake. You can cook sambal shrimp, or vegetable curry with it. They are a great source of protein especially for those who are on Vegetarian diet. This recipe is from HomeKreation-Kitchen Corner and she used Anchovies for this dish but I replaced it with Tempeh.


1 pieces of Tempeh – cut into medium size cubes
3 bird eyes chilies – cut small
2 shallots – sliced
3 cloves of garlic – chopped
5 pieces curry leaves
Juice of a lime
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp honey

1. Cut tempeh and pan fried it in a non stick pan with a bit of oil until golden brown.
2. In the same frying pan, heat up a bit of oil, stir fry shallots, garlic, chilies and curry leaves until lightly brown and fragrant.
3. Add in the honey, salt, pepper and lime juice. Stir for a few seconds and toss in the fried tempeh. Toss until well combined. Dish out and serve with rice.

Note: If you can't find tempeh you can use tofu as it will taste just as good.

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