Inspiration board - 30 and Fabulous - Dairy Foods

My good friend Libby is fabulous and turning 30 on July 24th, to celebrate we are throwing her a Mexican Fiesta. What that means to us is:

A keg
Red Sangria as the signature drink
Homemade salsas and guacomole
A rocking taco bar
Perhaps a pinata or two
Mustaches (don't ask but I guarantee Erik will take this opportunity to wear one)
Lovely decor

I put together an inspiration board of the vision I have for the day. I have a bunch of cylander vases left over from my wedding that I'd like to fill up with limes and use as centerpieces at the taco bar. I've also been collecting jars and am repurposing them as party decor by adding a candle and putting them around the backyard for that lovely glow. I'd love to add wire and hang them but we'll see if Erik let's me do that.

I do not have proper photo credits for this inspiration board so if you've happened upon my blog and I am illegally using your photo, let me know and I'll take it down asap!

Doesn't this party look like lots of fun and muy delicioso????

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