Inspiration boards Food Recipes

When I was planning my wedding, inspiration boards were all the rage. An inspiration board is a cumulation of photos you gather that elicit the feeling/look you want to achieve for your day. They help guide decisions and are helpful in showing to vendors (like florists, etc) so that they understand your vision. It is really all about maintaining a vision.

Below is the inspiration board I put together during wedding planning and the second is a collage of photos from my wedding. My vision was an all-white winter wedding with lots of branches, candles, romance and elegance.

Photo credit: Sewell Photography (if you are interested in seeing more photos from my wedding, check out my photog's blog)

The whole point of this is, why not extend the idea of inspiration boards for weddings into everyday entertaining/hosting? It can be done to guide your vision of your next dinner party, bridal shower, baby shower, cocktail party, etc. And plus, it's just plain fun (if you are a geek like me) and really doesn't take that long to do.

For example, I am planning a tea get-together (I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to say tea party) with the women in my family within the next month so I put together an inspiration board to represent how I want the look/feel of that party to be. As you can see, I am going for a garden-feel with fresh flowers, pastels (maybe in the linens?), and of course pretty little sandwiches and mini desserts.

Send me your inspiration boards for your next party and I will post them! Email me at (I can also send you instructions on how to build one, it is super easy).

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