Pillow Puffs Delicious Recipes

The other name of these Pillow puffs is called 'Char Siew Sou' in Chinese. You can find it at every dim sum place or Chinese bakery. The pastry is sweeter and more tender than the western dessert pastry. As for the filling you can use any savory filling.

For the filling I used BBQ chicken, green peas, onions and season with dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar and salt and thicken it with water and corn starch.

For the pastry you can use any store bought pastry or make it yourself. Roll out the pastry and cut into rectangular shape and put a spoonful of filling in the center and fold the dough over and press the edges with a fork. Brush the puffs with some egg and bake it

'Voila' freshly out from the oven.

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